Organizational Culture Level

As far as organizational culture is concerned, Samarpan shall remain committed to foster a learning environment and culture at the organization level which will finally benefit to the organization as well as individual.

  • Promoting vertical and horizontal learning
  • Thought and action towards Gender equity
  • Calm and quite work culture

Behaviors Level:

In order to foster the above values and organization culture in Samarpan, there might be need to create an enabling environment to enhance the capacity of the staff in nurturing these behaviors. We will promote the individual behavior/ attitude within the organization stated below.

Skills, Aptitudes and Expertise

  • Passion for development
  • Strong social and result oriented acumen
  • Good analytical skills, including assessment and evaluation
  • Sound report writing skills
  • Ability to work towards set project targets and meet expectations
  • Strong inter-personal and communication skills, both written and verbal
  • Good command on Hindi/English/Local dialects
  • Competent in the use of Computer, internet and web search
  • Interest in coaching and mentoring
  • Understanding the responsibility to deliver

Personal Qualities

  • Demonstrate continual improvement and personal development
  • Open-minded, creative, innovative and cooperative
  • Ability to motivate and inspire excellence in others
  • Able to work well with others and independently
  • Flexible and adaptable approach to change
  • Respectful behavior even to the juniors
  • Willingness to travel in the field and within India

Future Focus

Samarpan further recall its future focus on various areas of rural development by continuing the work on present thematic area along with the actions that are planned to be carried out in future.This focus will lead the organization with specific activities to improve its quality, know the reality and document for dissemination and development services to its target beneficiaries.

  • Research & Study
  • Process and Video documentation
  • IEC materials and books preparation, printing and distribution in local language
  • Promotion of Small Animal Rearing
  • Group based micro enterprises and entrepreneurship
  • Integrated Village Planning
  • Dry land farming, Waste land development, Nursery raising and Mushroom production Watershed Development
  • Strengthen Farmers Farm School, production of bio-fertilizer and bio-pesticides
  • Establishment of Training Centre and demonstration farm

Sustainability Plan

Each Samarpan project has its inbuilt sustainability plan as agreed with the target group and the donors. At the same time the sustainability of organization itself is also very much important as all the projects are time bound and there are gap period between renewal as well as phase out and starting of new projects. Over a period of time each organization need to keep few staff that are essential irrespective of continuation project or not? Similarly there are ongoing administrative expanses of the organization. To meet all those organization needs its own sustainability plan too. During the plan period the group members discussed on the issue and plan accordingly.

  • Development of Corpus Fund
  • Organizational infrastructure development
  • Core support from any agency
  • Income generation program for the organization
  • Website online donation appeal
  • Adopt sustainable integrated farming approach
  • Linking social security schemes and other entitlements with all targeted people
  • Providing skill training and management training to diversify production and create employ ability, capacity for self employments generation.